Originally a game of cards for betting, Poker became popular in the Wild West saloons. It eventually spread to Europe and is now played all over the world, including in casinos. Poker is a card game with rules for betting, raising and folding based on the probability of each card. Some poker hands have high probabilities and others are low. The best hands for winning include 3 of a kind and straights. A flush contains 5 consecutive cards of the same rank, and a straight contains five cards that skip around in rank but are of the same suit.
After each round of betting, the players reveal their hands and the player with the highest hand wins the pot. Then a new round with antes and blinds begins.
You can change seats at the table if you wish. There are several reasons for doing this: if you’re in a bad position, it’s easy to be called by an outstanding hand; if your neighbor stinks or you don’t like their eyesight, changing seats is a good idea; and if your eyesight is getting worse, you may want to move to the button so you can see the board cards better.
To raise a bet, place chips in the pot equal to the amount raised by the player before you. To call, place chips in the pot equal to the bet of the player on your left. To fold, discard your hand.